Doubt to certainty

I left my corporate job eight years ago this week. I started my own business two months later. I wish I could say that I had a brilliant business plan all laid out and quarterly goals set, I did not. I left on a mission. Let me reiterate, I left my stable job with benefits and vacation time for total UNCERTAINTY.

I had ZERO clients. All I had was PASSION. 

I am sure fancy business schools and more practical people would tell you that this was a terrible approach. That uncertainty is scary and dangerous. I disagree. Life is uncertain. Nothing is guaranteed. When I walked out on the comfort of a bi-weekly paycheck all I knew is that I couldn’t continue doing what I had been doing and I wanted the freedom to create my own business, my own schedule and pick my own projects. 

Luckily, I got clients right away. But the first 3 years I made no money. The next 3 years I made more money than I ever made. And for the last 2 years I was able to develop a tool to revolutionize my industry. You see, if I had stayed in that comfortable job I would’ve never struggled, challenged myself, earned my stripes, fought, and survived. 

I would still be doing the same thing I was doing 8 years ago. 

Not being afraid of uncertainty 8 years ago is what allowed me to invent something new. 

I wouldn’t be here if I hadn’t chosen uncertainty. I wouldn’t be here if I had listened to those practical people. I wouldn’t be here if I had listened to my own doubts, entertained irrational fears or discounted my passion. 

Everyone’s story goes from doubt to certainty. 

If you are doubting where you are or how you are going to get where you want to go, I am here to say, it’s possible. Don’t get sucked into what other people would do or say. Trust yourself. And when you are afraid, because you will be afraid, don’t do a damn thing fear tells you.

Life is uncertain. Fear is inevitable.

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