There are 2 reasons you are discontent.You are already living your ideal life but you don’t know that you are.ORYou don’t have enough life experience to know what your ideal life is.
Are you discontent?

There are 2 reasons you are discontent.You are already living your ideal life but you don’t know that you are.ORYou don’t have enough life experience to know what your ideal life is.
We work for money but often the work that we do costs us more than the money we make. Your job may suck the life right out of you. Is money worth it? Your boss may make you crazy. Is money worth it? You may put your life on hold until you get a raise or a bonus. Is money worth it?
Are you unhappy at work? Are you struggling to figure out why you are unhappy? Often when we are unhappy it’s hard to figure out why because unhappiness colors our view and makes everything seem awful. If you are struggling with career unhappiness, and you can’t see the metaphoric forest from the trees may I suggest making it very simple- just ask yourself these two questions.
After surveying 100 executives I was shocked.. 1) What happens in your cubicle doesn’t stay in your cubicle! – DON’T USE SPEAKERPHONE Everyone hears everything and you are always on display. You have to learn how to get along with your neighbors. Being liked shouldn’t be underestimated! Social capital is just as important as your ability to do the job.
I had a conversation with a friend recently who told me that interviewing is like acting and he won’t take any part in it. He refuses to network or sell himself and he was unwilling to budge on creating a personal narrative that was persuasive and upbeat. To him, being able to do the job