“I losed”

My son is 5 and my daughter is 2. Sometimes they compete against each other in little races around the house. My son always wins because he’s bigger. When he crosses the imaginary finish line, he throws his hands up and yells, “I WON!” Then when my daughter glides across the finish line she throws… Continue reading “I losed”

What do you do right?

An obvious approach in achieving a goal is to uncover what isn’t working. Just as important however is figuring out what is. All too often clients hire me because they have hit a wall and feel as though they can’t get any further because of x, y and z. I usually ask them to tell me what their greatest accomplishments have been thus far.

Doubt to certainty

I left my corporate job eight years ago this week. I started my own business two months later. I wish I could say that I had a brilliant business plan all laid out and quarterly goals set, I did not. I left on a mission. Let me reiterate, I left my stable job with benefits

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